Here are some links to artisans, inspiration and books concerning late 17th century and early 18th century 1:12 scale dolls house miniatures. While the years between 1680 and 1715 are usually called the late Jacobean or Stuart, Queen Anne or Early Georgian period, it may be more commonly called the early Colonial period in the United States.
Kris Compas is an American artisan who makes upholstered furniture, including Queen Anne settees and sofas and wing chairs (one pictured, below) . She's happy to collaborate on custom pieces.
Colin Bird is a UK furniture maker who offers pieces that would work for this period, including this simple cupboard:
James Parker is a UK furniture maker who offers some pieces that would be perfect for this period as well, including both single and double manual harpsichords.
Iulia Chin Lee is a US furniture miniaturist who makes stunning pieces suitable for this period. IGMA Artisan.
Herdwick Landscapes -- makers of 1:24 scale houses, also 1:12 and 1:24 scale fires, grates, lighting fixtures and furniture. Some great pieces for this period, including hob grates :)
Small Time Miniatures (UK): miniature clock makers who also make other lovely pieces in both 1:12 and 1:24 scale, including furniture and scientific instruments suitable for this period.
George Pennell (US): miniature furniture maker. Mostly Shaker pieces, but some Queen Anne era pieces, including a very elegant chair. IGMA Artisan.
Pear Tree Miniatures (UK): makers of medieval, Tudor, Jacobean and Stuart furniture (the Carolean daybed pictured below, for example.) Beautiful stuff.
Avon Miniatures (UK): a fine array of fine English china in 1:12 scale. Just about everything is available in either white or Willow pattern (plus some more Victorian patterns), making it perfect for Georgian dolls houses. IGMA Artisans.
Braxton Payne (US): Fireplaces, mantels, firebacks, pots, fireplace accessories, many available in smaller scales. IGMA Artisan.
UK Artisan Tony Hooper makes many pieces suitable for this period, including an early Georgian kitchen range and tons of great hardware.
Town and Country Planner (UK) sells a wide range of roof and floor tiles as well as garden pavers and hanging signs -- lovely looking work.
Ray Storey, Lighting: UK
artisan Ray Storey makes perfect period lighting, including some lovely
(and hard to find) black chandeliers and lanterns. Also brass chandeliers. Highly recommended.
Len Lewis (UK) builds extraordinary dolls houses, many of them Georgian, and you can see his work on his website at Classic Houses.
Sally Meekins Miniature Ceramics (UK) hand made and painted. Particularly useful for this period is the range of extremely charming blue and white ware.
Stokesay Ware (UK) Exquisitely fine, perfectly in scale, Stokesay Ware offers quite a few blue and white pieces, and will custom make a Willow pattern teaset for you without handles, perfect for the early Georgian period! IGMA Artisan.
Old Bell Pottery, another UK site selling beautiful china and pottery for many eras. Hand painted.
Arlette's Miniatures, a UK furniture maker specializing in upholstered furniture perfect for this period, including Knole settees, a personal favourite of mine :)
Bubba's Minis: A US furniture maker who offers all sorts of early American furniture, some of which would be very suitable for an early 18th century Colonial home.
John J. and Sue Hodgson (UK): master miniature furniture makers with a particular focus on the later part of this period, and on Rococo pieces more suitable for Louis XIV and XV. These pieces are truly works of art.
Teresa Thompson (UK) maker of extraordinary 1:12 dolls costumed for a wide range of historical periods. Please do check out her site, Costume Cavalcade, even if only for the inspiration!
Pete Acquisto, famous US silversmith, works in dollhouse scale. Many, many period pieces, appropriate for this era.
Mike Sparrow (UK): maker of miniature silver, offers both Queen Anne and Georgian pieces.
JS Miniatures (UK): maker of Georgian fireplace surrounds and fireplace kits.
Tarbena Miniatures (UK): furniture from 17th century. Expensive, beautiful pieces.
Lee-Ann Chellis Wessel: stunning miniature ceramics, including blue and white Chinese patterns, suitable for this period. IGMA Artisan.
The Linen Press (UK) maker of miniature embroidered textiles, including those suitable for 17th and 18th centuries.
Sussex Crafts: (UK) 1:12 scale ironmongery with fabulous pieces for this period.
Turnings in Miniature: Thomas Saunders makes wonderful turned bowls, vases and stands out of wood and stone and sells them through his Etsy shop!
Nantasy Fantasy (US): fabulous assortment of unusual instruments (both musical and scientific) accessories and specialist items for quite a few periods. I love this place! IGMA Artisans.
Masters Miniatures (UK): makers of period furniture, including the charming spinet, pictured below.
New England Miniatures carries a full line of JBM Miniatures, which include many pieces of good quality wooden furniture suitable for this period.
Itsy Bitsy Minis -- carries an extraordinary range of wallpapers and coordinating fabrics -- many damasks and Jacobean patterns perfect for this period.
Les Chinoiseries: 1:12 scale fabric and wallpaper -- a Spanish e-tailer with gorgeous yard goods for every period.
Janet Granger (UK) sells a wonderful array of kits for miniature needlework, many of which would be perfect for this period, including cushions, cabriole leg stools and rugs.
Micro Stitchery (US) carries a full line of Bonnie Schoonmaker's miniature needlepoint kits on silk gauze, including patterns suitable for Jacobean, William and Mary and Georgian projects. (see the Oriental bench, below).
Miniature Needlepoint (UK) sells Carolyn Waldron's kits for a huge range of carpets, wall hangings and cushions.
Mini Stitches (US) carries a wonderful range of kits for historical samplers on silk gauze, ranging from 1690 to 1822.
Dovetails (UK) makes miniature fireplace surrounds, ceiling roses and other plasterwork for different periods, including the very hard to find classic Tudor fireplace and lots of Georgian options. Reasonable prices, too.
Inspiration and Advice
How to achieve a genuine Georgian house style - a useful little article on period detail, including the early Georgian period.
Carol-Anne-Dolls Georgian Dolls' House -- great inspiration here!
Lesley's Garden -- List of Historical Plants: very useful list of what plants are appropriate for what periods. Lesley also makes wonderful kits!
Miniature embroidery for the Georgian dolls' house by Pamela Warner. 40 period-appropriate projects.
Making Georgian dolls' houses by Derek Rowbottom. This is perhaps my favourite book on Georgian dolls houses -- both inspirational and very, very practical, with lots of projects and plans.
The authentic Georgian dolls' house by Brian Long. An excellent companion for the above, Long's book has a great deal of research on individual features and fewer actual projects.
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The Deep snow is all gone from The Folly Garden, Dear Readers, and so is
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Muchisimas gracias enlaces por estos, me los voy a guardar en favoritos, para poderlos ver detenidamente.
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Gracias, Dora!
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