This is now the Library (even though it's only got one bookshelf at the moment :)) This may be my new favourite room! I glued everything together, yesterday, all the components of the staircase. It was a little fiddly getting the bookcase and the bits of wood around it aligned, but it all worked out in the end. Then I framed it in, stained it all, and let it dry.
The floor is made from a sheet of premade wooden flooring, which I cut to fit the room. It was DEAD easy! I'm glad I left the left-hand wall unglued -- it's much easier to measure and cut the sheet of wood if you've got one wall that's moveable. I didn't bother backing the wood (beyond the backing it came on, which is a bit like heavy waxed paper), and I didn't glue it down, in case I have to get to the light fixture for the hallway below. It took the stain brilliantly. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
I grabbed a handful of books from the Castle library to try them out here -- even though some are quite fine and others are just my bodged up leather covered ones, the overall effect is really pleasing. Ever wish you could curl up in one of your miniature rooms? I had that feeling yesterday night :)
Mind you, someone needs to dust that chair :)
I just need to finish the panelling and cut and frame a window, and the Library is DONE!
Hooked on crochet....
I’m now on the home stretch on my second ever crochet project, a Janie
Crow Persian Tiles blanket in the wonderfully colourful Easter Jewels
colourway. ...
14 hours ago