As a proud Canadian royalist, I was up this morning watching clips of the Royal wedding online -- I found it surprisingly moving and very, very beautiful. Loved the spring-green trees in the Abbey!
Here's a photo of the whole Kitchen wing this morning:
And here are some tiny books Eva worked on yesterday, from several of the book kits I have lying around. She is amazing with small things -- the smaller the better as far as she's concerned :) I gave her a kit for a 1:144 scale dolls house and she did a great job on it -- now she'll make furniture for it!
The ones in the back are from the Dutch shop Silly Sisters -- their book kit which makes over 60 attractive, non opening books. These have been great for the kids.
The one in the front, with the pages (Eva did such a lovely, precise job on this one, which is very fiddly) is from the first kit of antique books by Paper Minis -- they have lots of lovely things for sale, including stamp albums!
Hooked on crochet....
I’m now on the home stretch on my second ever crochet project, a Janie
Crow Persian Tiles blanket in the wonderfully colourful Easter Jewels
colourway. ...
13 hours ago