Monday, October 29, 2012

Lavender tutorial over at Miniature Enthusiasts of the South Shore!

We had a lavender-making spree today at the October meeting of the Miniature Enthusiasts of the South Shore!  In the course of it, I realized that once this window box for the Camp Mini Ha Ha cottage project was full of lavender ....

... that I should plant the front of the cottage with lavender, too!  And have lavender drying in bunches from the beam above the fireplace!  And call it ...

Lavender Cottage!

We had a lot of fun, and if you'd like to see my rough tutorial for making 1:12 scale lavender, you can check out the MESS Blog!


  1. es una muy buena idea, la lavanda es una flor que adoro y su olor me recuerda momentos de mi infancia muy felices, la felicito por la decision
    un abrazo

  2. It's lovely and the colours work well with your little cottage.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Dangerous Mezzo,
    I just wanted to let you know I've a surprise for you on my blog this week.
    Cheers, Alennka
