Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Frantically getting ready for Camp Mini Ha Ha!

Annapolis Basin Conference Centre - can you tell it used to be an army base?  :)

Oh dear.  I seem to have procrastinated, and now I leave for Camp Mini Ha Ha tomorrow, and am I all packed?  NO!

(On the plus side, I have some book covers ready for download -- you can buy the downloads on this page :))

So today will be a whirlwind of preparations, I guess -- I wonder how many things I'll forget? I've been sent lists of stuff to bring and tools I'll need for the workshops, so it's all very organized in one way (on their end :)) but I am just not ready!

So, off to make some copies and put my tools together -- have a great mini day, and I'll be blogging from Camp!


  1. Have a saved trip and a lot of fun at the camp! Waiting for a report and pictures! Natalia

  2. Thanks so much, Natalia -- I've got patterns and gauze and silk in my bags, in case I get a chance to do some stitching!
