Wednesday, February 8, 2012

New mini lights!

Hi, all!  I've been busy working hard on some miniatures projects, but wanted to stop by and share a photo or two!

I've been making miniature light fixtures for a while now, and while I'm playing with ideas for the sconces for the Blue and White room, I started exploring some other styles.  These aren't right for the period of the WAMH, but I'm having a lot of fun!

More soon!


  1. Absolutely fantastic, Nina! I LOVE it!:)

  2. Thanks so much, Ewa :) Hugs right back at you ...

  3. Nice! Do you have a home for that particular light?

    I've been making lights too - not something I'll be making a habit of!

  4. Thanks for showing the use of foam board in your last post it has given me an idea on how I can link all my houses together with false walls that will avoid using MDF.

  5. Gorgeous light, Nina! But not the right time frame for the WAMH! Are you building something that can use such an Art-Deco sort of style? It looks So Hollywood Glam to me!!

  6. Thanks, guys!

    It's not for a particular house, I'm just playing with making fixtures ...

    Janice -- that's great -- I've been really happy with the foam. The construction is sturdy and very, very light!
