Thursday, February 2, 2012

More lights

 Ever notice how sometimes you're just in the mood for one part of working on miniatures but not another?  I'm in lighting mood, clearly :)  I added the sconces (above and below) to the Withdrawing Room yesterday evening.  With foam walls it's certainly easy -- I just jabbed a hole with a bamboo skewer and we were just about done!

 I'm going to make silver sconces for the Chinese Blue and White Room (below), to match the most adorable silver 6 armed chandelier I bought in England last year.  But I wanted this room to have some kind of light, so I installed a fire.  Again, I just had to make a hole with a skewer :)

 And as I was reviewing the contents of the rooms, I realize that this desk/bookcase that I had japanned would work perfectly in the new Library!  It really pops, doesn't it?  I'm going to make tons of really, really small books tonight so I can fill up the very narrow shelves, but I think this is where it's going to live.  I'm going to get Ray Storey to make me a little black chandelier for this room, because I long to own something by him!


  1. Look at you go!! Yesterday you couldn't even spell lighting and today you are a pro!!

    The changes you've made are supburb! If you are not careful, you'll have me back building something ROFLMAO!!




  2. Love the lights, especially the fire. I fight with lighting every time I try to install lights :(
    You have convinced me i must have lights in my houses.


  3. Love the lights, the fireplace has a real warm glow, how did you make the "fire"?
    Nice weekend

  4. I think at the moment your library is my favourite. It looks great and the lighting always adds that extra little something.

  5. Lightning mood, hmmm... I wish you would share this mood with me. I still can't talk myself in electrifying Barbie's Victorian House I started for my daughter a century ago. Love your fireplace, very fancy and cozy.

  6. Thanks, Tom :)

    DSV -- yes, you MUST have lights in your houses! They make all the difference and it's really not that hard to do, especially if you stick to round wiring.

    Maria: I didn't make that fire, it's a commercial one. It's the nicest commercial one I've ever seen -- looks really good, especially in photos :)

    Irene: Yeah, lighting always bumps everything up a few notches, I think :)

    Natalia: I'd be happy to share my mood with you, but I'd trade a lighting frenzy for your ability to do exquisite small scale needlework any day of the week!
