Saturday, February 18, 2012

Miniature crewel kit from Cookie Ziemba

I received my miniature crewel kit in the mail on Friday from legendary miniaturist and IGMA Artisan Cookie Ziemba. The pattern I chose is called "Buckingham", and  it's about 1.75" high and 2" wide.  The kit comes with everything you need to make the piece, except for the 4" hoop:  schematic pattern, colour photo, order of stitching, stitch instructions, tons of thread, 2 needles and the piece drawn out on the finest cotton twill I've ever seen :)  Best of all, is Cookie herself -- so nice and helpful and kind!  It's so nice to meet (even virtually) another miniaturist who loves the 17th century!

Because I live way the hell out in Nova Scotia, my access to things like workshops is really limited.  Like, completely :)  I thought that working on a kit from the woman with whom I'd most like to study would be a reasonable (if pale) alternative to learning from her in person, and I was right!  It's a great kit and I could only be happier if it came with Cookie herself.

Here's what I've done so far -- yeah, my stem stitch sucks, but then it sucks in 1:1, too :)  I'm just consistent!

Seriously, I'm very glad to have done some crewel stitching in 1:1 -- it makes doing it in miniature much simpler.  But I was surprised to find how easy it is -- it's partly BECAUSE it's so small, that one can make a fair amount of progress in a relatively short time.

Which is a good thing, because I want a LOT of crewel work in my WAMH!

Cookie, thanks again -- I'll order another kit, and keep dreaming my dream to meet you one day in person!

If you want your own crewel kit (or want to buy a piece already stitched by the master herself), drop by Cookie's blog and admire the beauty:  Cookie's world of historic dolls houses and miniatures


  1. So nice! Admiring your patience, Nina!

  2. Myślę, że będzie piękne! Czekam na finał. Uściski!

  3. I am glad you liked it! You are doing great and it will enhance the setting of any of your rooms. By the way, what room it goes? Nastalia

  4. Nina, thank you for all your lovely comments, I wish I could have been there to deliver the kit personally. I've never been to Nova Scotia! Alternately, come and visit me in Florida (a touch warmer, I think LOL). I love the picture of the kit contents, looks great.
    Cookie Ziemba

  5. Nina, Why don't you come down to the Philadelphia Miniaturia show on November 2-3 and you can get my finished work there. I am shipping your "Aylesbury" kit on Monday and can't wait to see what you do with that one.
    Cookie Ziemba

  6. Oh, I'd love to Cookie, but I'm singing in a concert that weekend :( Maybe some other year?
