Friday, December 17, 2010

It's snowing!

Photo of St John's Anglican Church, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. copyright AndreHugosPlace

After weeks and weeks of rain or fine days, we finally have some snow today!  It's falling very prettily here in rural Nova Scotia in Canada, where we've been spared the harsh weather hitting many other parts of the Northern Hemisphere (including, bizarrely, the UK). 

Okay, there's not quite enough snow to equal that in the photo of St John's above, but we're getting there :)

St John's is the church I go to.  Isn't it beautiful?  It's in a style called "carpenter Gothic" because the shipbuilders of Lunenburg didn't have stone, they had wood and mad woodworking skills :)  It's the second oldest Anglican church in Canada.  It actually burned down in 2001, a year before David and I moved here from Toronto -- and the parish rebuilt it exactly as it was (but with improved systems).  For the first few years I was in Lunenburg we worshipped in the Parish Hall as we watched the church rise, literally, from the ashes.

I'm singing with the choir this Christmas, and our service of Lessons and Carols is on Sunday morning, one of my favourite services of the year. 

Anyway, I hope you're all well, whichever Hemisphere you're in, and whatever the weather's doing!



  1. L'architecture de l'église est superbe ! on pourrait faire une miniature.

  2. Nina - the church is beautiful!!
    I can imagine the glory of the singing at Christmas :)

    And thanks for the weathery wishes :) we have had an eight week drought, but it has just broken with a marvellous rainstorm which came down from the tropics, so we can breathe again :D Strange weather everywhere . . .

  3. Mooghiscath: Ah, vraiment! C'est une idéee très bonne! Merçi pour votre comment ...

    Glenda: Yes, it's strange weather everywhere. I don't know how people can deny climate change -- the world's cliamates clearly are mixed up. I'm glad your drought has ended -- we don't get a lot of that here (yet ... who knows in the future?) but I'm sure it's pretty tough. I'd love to visit NZ in the summer sometime -- I've only been in early September, and it was gorgeous even then. There are only three countries I really want to live in: Canada, England and NZ (But then I haven't been all that many places :)

  4. the scenery is beautiful, with snow!
    Here in southern Italy have rarely snow, but when it falls, everyone is in total chaos! traffic, schools closed, and all this for only 5 cm of snow ... ha ha! we are not accustomed to scare us all this white! I tremble from the cold, I prefer the spring!
    many years ago, in Bari, my city, has blown big theater of opera, Teatro Petruzzelli.
    it was beautiful! I love opera, I felt a great pain when I saw the roof on fire! the whole town was crying. was the symbol of our city!
    now I have rebuilt, but the interior dome no longer has the original frescoes ...
    kisses, Caterina

  5. Every time I see a picture of a beautiful place, I want to live there (at least for a while!)
    So now I put on the list Nova Scotia also :-)
    Beautiful snow-covered church, looks like a Christmas card :-)
    Mini hugs, flora
