Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hall window

Just a few things I want to clean up before I put the roof on the main floor, and the hall window is one of them.

I cut out pieces of rather wide tongue depressor sticks to make a lining for the window cut out in the foam, and I stained them.

I glued them into place inside the window opening.

Then I constructed a simple frame out of  odd bits of wood -- these overlapped the edge of the window so that they would stop the "glass" from moving forward.

I trimmed the foam so it was neater, then cut a piece of acrylic to fit the window hole and made panes using 1/16" self-adhesive model striping and then fitted it into the hole.

And it's done!

I've also been working on what I'm using for crown moulding, and I'll show that in a later post. I also MUST do my 200 follower giveaway, or it'll be 250 lovely followers and I will be consumed by guilt :)


  1. wow, great work, I have to be more conserned about all those trimming details..I am working on some doors, but gosh..I can´t seem to find the spirit ;-)
    Love, Susanne

  2. I'm a little low on energy right now, too, Susanne, so I sympathise :) And doors are fiddly at the best of times ...

  3. The low energy thing seems to be contagious these days - maybe it's the changeing season (it's darn cold here in Albert considering it's still August.:-() However, Nina - your house is coming along splendidly! I love the front entry and I think it's my favorite room so far. Love the b&w tiles and the staircase looks great with all the panelling. Great job on the window, too!

  4. Great work withe the window Nina! I truly love this hall!:D

  5. Nina, you should see what I do, when no energy!
    Unimaginable crap :-)
    Your skill is admirable. The window is very beautiful, I love the walnut that uses ...
    Perhaps you could take a little rest before continuing...
    Mini hugs, Flora

  6. Te ha quedado estupendo. Gracias por explicar los materiales y los pasos de un resultado excelente.
    Besos Clara.
