Monday, July 5, 2010

Staining floorboards

I just got back from a fruitful trip to Bridgewater, our nearest shopping Mecca :) I bought a small can of Minwax PolyShades in Mission Oak to try out, and a nice brick of terra cotta coloured air dry clay (that's for the kitchen floor).

I LOVE the Mission Oak colour.  I didn't want the woodwork in this house to be too dark (it wouldn't have had time to really darken too much), and was going back and forth on what colour to pick.   I wanted a darker oak shade, and the colour sample looked pretty good in the store.  Here's the dining room floor after I rubbed on one coat of stain:

I really, really like it.  It's a big load off my mind to know what the basic wood colour is going to be for the house, which will have a lot of woodwork in it.


I'll do the parlour's floor the same way, and then I'll start playing with air dry clay and my Malcolm's Miniatures impress stamps for the kitchen floor!

It's so refreshing to have a new project to work on -- do other people feel that, too, when you launch into something new?


  1. It is a great floor with this wax/stain. I really love this floor.

  2. The floor colour is very very nice!:)Can't wait to see the kitchen floor:)

  3. It announces another masterpiece! Already I like ...
    You are a true craftsman! I'd love to be your neighbor and spend long afternoons to do things together ...
    I'd be a laborer, of course, but I would be happy to have a builder like you :-)

  4. Very beautiful floor, colour is superb!

  5. This is looking good and I know how crucial it is to get the right colour! :o)

    I've got some of Malcolm's Miniatures impress blocks, but mine are cobble stones, and bricks. I bought the DVD too! lol I plan to use mine on various projects, but Hogwarts will be first! lol

    Michelle xx

  6. I like that Mission Oak color. And I know exactly what you abput the excitement of starting a new project! It is the reason I have so many unfinished ones....

  7. I will have to check out these impress blocks they sound very useful.
    I love light oak as I think if you go too dark small rooms look even smaller!
    New projects are the best...all those possibilities and new artists to discover!

  8. It looks great, I love the colour and how it picks up the grain :)

  9. It looks great! My you are fast to. What kind of air dry clay did you buy? I have not seen it in colors in our local craft shops.

    I have been concerned about the color of the wood floor in my project because I will have so much wood furniture sitting on it. I have decided lighter is best for me.

  10. This is promising to be a very interesting project. Thanks for sharing your step by step development of your dollhouse. I really like this!

  11. This floor looks so good, I'm also very excited about every new project, I guess, this is the best time except the finishing touches.

  12. Please can you tell me where to buy the Malcolm's Miniatures impress stamps for the kitchen floor? I am about to start a Tudor house, and I am a complete novice. Carole, Australia.

  13. Hi, Carol! I hope you find this comment :) I bought mine through Silly Sisters in the Netherlands: here's a link to the page for 1:12 scale impress moulds:
