Monday, July 26, 2010

Quick update -- stairs, floor tiles and Masters Miniatures!

Hello!  I miss you all so much -- as always happens, the opera workshop has taken over my life :)  I had a day off yesterday that I was LONGING to fill with miniature making, and I was just so tired that every time I thought about doing something other than sleeping, I couldn't summon the energy.

But I got a number of packages last week, and I thought I'd share the contents of two of them.

First of all, here's the staircase unit for the hall:

I still have some touch up work to do, but that's basically it.  I used a real door for the closet, which made things easier :)

In front of it you can see the gorgeous faux marble tiles I bought from Graham at Traditional Elegance Tiles.    They're called "Marlike", and they look absolutely perfect, and they're perfectly made, which will be a bonus :)  I ordered four packs of the diagonal tiles, which include half tiles which will make the whole installation much easier.  Once I get the walls in, and the stair unit installed, then I can cut a piece of cardboard for the floor and install the tiles on that.

And I got a package from Masters Miniatures which exceeded my expectations (and I was pretty damned excited about them, anyway)!  Look at these beauties:

Here's a Charles II hall chair. I may already have mentioned that I've got a bit of a furniture fetish for barley twist legs :)  I think it's very important when doing a period space, even when it's as relaxed in attitude as this one, to have a few pieces that are really iconic of the time.  This is such a classic chair, that I couldn't resist!

This is a fire screen, and it's SO charming!  It's actually adjustable up and down, too :)

And, finally, here's a tiny wooden flute.  I've been looking for period-looking instruments for some time, and Masters makes all sorts of lovely pieces.  It's just perfect.  I would feel confident ordering anything from them -- this is first class work and, if you check out the site, it's very, very reasonable for handcrafted pieces of such quality.

Okay, I must drive to Halifax now to direct some opera, but I'll surface when I can!

(If you want to see the sort of thing I'm up to, you can visit the Halifax Summer Opera Workshop site.)


  1. Beautiful Purchases, Love the Chair..

  2. I just added the site to the list of my favorites: the wonderful items have come true!
    But what would these pieces without your talent? The staircase is really perfect and the choice of colors, wood finishing, is superb!
    You always leave me breathless, dear Nina ...

  3. Great staircase - love the way you painted it! And great purchases! Have fun during the workshops!

  4. Your stairs and closet look fantastic! I love little areas that you can't quite see all of in a dollhouse. They add realism and mystery.
    The tiles are really bold and pretty. I will have to go check out that site.
    Your chair is just gorgeous! I love the flute and the working fire screen too.

  5. I love that staircase! It's fabulous :) I've been looking for their tiles for a long time, but haven't had a house to put them in :D And I LOVE that chair, it's fab, thanks for the link :)

  6. The staircase and flooring look fantastic and the your other purchases fit the scene perfectly.

  7. The stairs look great and I think you're wise to use a real door - why make things more difficult for yourself? lol

    You're purchases are just the job - I've bought from MM in the past and can highly recommend them and their service.

  8. Ooooooh, such cool stuff! Love that chair! Love all of it really. I'm excited to see the new marble tile floor and staircase installed.
    You know, I never was into dollhouses, just miniature things, but I swear since I started blogging and looking at all the amazing things you guys are doing, I found myself looking at dollhouse kits online the other day (yikes, I know if I got started I'd be a total dollhouse junkie and go broke, lol).

  9. What great parcels! Everything in turn was my favourite until I saw the next, but I think the flute really is my favourite...or maybe the chair...

  10. Beautifully presented as usual, Nina!! These are great - thanks for the links, drooling gonna happen . . . :)

  11. Nina, wonderful buys and very apt for your castle.

  12. Preciosa la pieza de escalera, me encanta.
    El marmol paarece de verdad y enhorabuena por conseguir esa pieza de museo como es la silla con la flauta.
    Besitos, MAy

  13. Esta creando usted un trabajo de museo, me gusta muchísimo como esta solucionando cada rincón.
    un abrazo

    This creating you a work of museum, it likes to me very much like this solving every corner.
    An embrace

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. OH MY GOD!!! The details you put into everything are just so beautiful and spot on!! Look at that chair!!! Look at that flute!!! I am in lust, big time.

  16. Hi Nina! We miss you! Thanks for giving us a taste of the next steps on your WAMH - it looks really beautiful.....especially the chair with the barleytwist legs.... You are right that one really nice piece can make everything look so realistic... you just want to walk into that hall and sit down in that chair...... while waiting for the master to invite you into the parlor..... ! I hope you are having a great time with your workshops!

  17. Ooooh I adore that chair. I have a real soft spot for Barley twist too.

    It all looks so fabulous...the staircase is wonderful. You have such an eye for detail.

    Good luck with the workshops.

  18. Dear Nina,

    I'm on holiday but my mon just told me that I have received a packet coming from Canada. So it must be yours!!!!! Thank you very much in advance :-) I can't wait to open it. Unfortunately I will have to wait until September :-(

    I hope you have a wonderful summer and once again, thank you thank you, thank you very much!!!!

