Saturday, May 1, 2010

Making Tudor leather miniatures by Glenda Howell

In case you haven't seen Glenda's post on this subject, I thought I'd share it here with other Tudor and medieval miniature aficionados :)

Glenda's article on making Tudor leather miniatures has been reprinted in the latest edition of Dolls House and Miniature Scene magazine, June 2010, issue 192.

If you (like me) don't have ready access to this magazine in local newsagents, miniature shops or bookstores, you can order it online from the publisher's website.  I just did and I can't wait to get it.  I've got bags full of leather scraps from other projects, and look forward to making buckets, tankards and other leather goods :)


  1. Thanks for drawing attention to this - I'll be looking out for it.

    BTW Nina, if you want the link for a spurtle - just send me your email (mine's in my profile) and I'll forward the link. Irene

  2. Gracias por el enlace
    Feliz fin de semana
    besitos ascension

  3. Thanks so much, Nina!
    I'm trying to work on more leather projects for the magazine, but it's slow at present.

  4. Thank you, Ascension!

    Glenda, when I ordered my copy of the magazine, I included a note that I was buying it because of your article :)

    I'm really looking forward to seeing it.
