Friday, April 16, 2010

Tiddles's embroidery and the Tower bedchamber window ...

We took some photos of Tiddles's masterpiece of needlepoint on Thursday, but I haven't had a chance to share them with you, yet.  This is her tapestry:

She followed a pattern from Sandra Whitehead's book Celtic, medieval and Tudor wallhangings in 1/12 scale needlepoint.  It's stitched on 32 count fabric with two strands of embroidery floss. 

By the way, Tiddles was 9 when she started this in November, and she's 10 now :)

This girl is amazing, isn't she?  She comes by it honestly -- her mother, Jennie, is the finest needlewoman I know -- fast, accurate, tidy and with perfect stitches.  Tiddles is going to be just as good, I think. 

From the sublime to the comparatively ridiculous, now :)  I finally finished the little casement window in the Tower bedchamber.

I was worried I wasn't going to be able to get the panes out, but it broke apart quite obligingly when I pulled on it :)  I'm not entirely sure it was supposed to, but it helped the process!  I stained the bits and pieces, applied miniature pin striping to the panes for leading and then reassembled the whole gubbins.  I glued the window back into the wall and framed it, and now I have a lovely, working casement window so when the inhabitant of the tower chamber needs a breath of fresh air, he can put down his lute and lean out :)


  1. Tiddles is really good. Give her a warm hug from me Rosanna

  2. Tiddles must be the most patient girl I know:) Beautiful embroidery! The window is great - it is always a nice surprise when something that went not exactly as we planned finally is a success!;)

  3. Rosanna: I will! She's very huggable :)

    OM: She's really patient -- it's a bit freaky. All the kids I play with are pretty cool, and they all have different strengths.

    I was really relieved about the window! I bought it because it was a cute little casement window, without thinking of how, exactly, I was going to handle the fixed panes.

  4. She's one very talented little girl and she should be very proud of her very fine work indeedy! ;o))

    I love your window and I'd like to make one of my windows in Hogwarts open (as none do), you make it look easy and I'm not sure it is! :o)

    Michelle xx

  5. I bought the window pre-made, Michelle, because I just wasn't up to trying it myself. It's a standard Houseworks piece, and was pretty inexpensive, all things considered (like, I couldn't have made it myself :) Here's one link to it online:

  6. And here's a link to a Canadian supplier (I know you're in the UK, but ... :)

  7. Wow that needle work is awesome...and she is only 10 goodness. How old was she when she started doing this ?

    I love the window...I've used lead strip that you get in golfers shops but it is a pain to cut it so thin.

    I also used it in a stained glass window with glass paints which was very effective.
    I've not had chance to read though all your blog yet so you might have done this already :-)

  8. Thanks for the comment, Tallulah Belle -- she just started this fall, with a little coat of arms :) It must be genetic!

    I love the idea of using glass paints -- I must check that out!

  9. Oh boy, wouldn't I love to have my little Tiddles here :) If I would give the needle and fabric to my 16 year old daughter, she would probably laugh at me and if she woud ever get any embroidery done, I would be laughing :D She's skilled in drawing and painting, but the craft part hasn't rubbed on her at all.

    And the window is great, I'm fearing the day when I have to start building my windows, can't buy ready mades as they wouldn't fit.


  10. Please let Tiddles know I am an admirer too :), Nina. I am going to show my 9 year niece her work. She has been wanting to start stitching as well. But never got around to .

    Your window has turned out perfect. The next house I bashed, I will make my windows open.
